What Age is Best to Start Singing Lessons: Find Out What Age Popular Singers Started to Learn

Learning to sing can be a fun and rewarding experience. Singing lessons for kids are a popular choice. It is often a child's first way in which they express themselves creatively through music. A song and a dance are the perfect way to communicate our excitement for life from a very early age.

Many adults enjoy singing as well because musical expression has been proven to have many benefits for the emotional health of both mind and body - even with little or no previous musical training! 

One of the biggest benefits of learning how to sing is that you can do it at any age, and unlike most instruments singing does not require fine motor skills or coordination. 

The best time for a child to start private singing lessons is usually around 7-9 years old, but this depends on the individual and it’s best to check with a professional vocal coach.

Either way they will need regular practice because just like anything else if we don’t put effort into our hobbies then we won't see results! It really does vary from person to person though, we are incredibly unique when it comes to our creativity and the way in which we express it to the people world depends on various factors.

Here we will look at what age some well-known singers began their vocal training.

What age did the most popular singers start lessons?

Bruno Mars, born October 8th 1985, started at 9 years old. Taylor Swift was 11 when she became a singer and songwriter; Justin Bieber had to get permission from his mother before he could take singing lessons because he was only 13!

Although, it turns out that many of the most popular singers didn't start vocal coaching until their late teens or even adulthood. For example, Celine Dion began her vocal training when she turned 18 and Rihanna got serious about pursuing a career in music while attending college at Loyola University New Orleans with a scholarship to study engineering. 

Dance-pop singer Pharrell Williams also had no formal voice education as he taught himself how to sing by mimicking his mother's old records. He did this from an early age before moving on to emulate other performers like Stevie Wonder & The Temptations who influenced him greatly musically and stylistically. He embarked on his creative journey this way through different eras such as Motown Soul (1960s) and the Funk Era (1970).

Benefits of Taking Vocal Lessons For Everyone

There are many reasons why you should learn to sing with a vocal coach, even if it is not your natural talent. You may want a new hobby or possibly make more money as an entertainer later on in life! Regardless of the reason for wanting to pursue professional singing lessons, they can empower and inspire anyone at any age. If you're looking for group singing lessons in London, you can check out the London Singing Institute.

One of the best things about singing is how it can help people feel good about themselves. You may have heard of ‘Singer’s High’ and guess what? It’s a real thing. Music and singing releases a surge of endorphins and serotonin which actually make you feel happy. 

Whether you are just learning to sing or have had vocal training before, singing lessons can help promote self-confidence whilst making new friends in the process! So whether you are planning to sing solo or in a group, let your vocals fly. The sooner you start to let your voice go, the better you’ll feel.


There are many reasons why posture is important, but for singing it’s essential. You'll notice how closely linked good posture is with being able to sing better; correcting poor habits early on can help prevent future pain and also improve breathing abilities that allow one's voice to sound its very best while practicing their craft later down the road.


You may not be aware of it, but your voice is one part of you that cannot just go unsaid. Your vocal cords are the most essential tool to have in order to sing and without them there would never be a song sung or story told about life's challenges. Vocal lessons will help build self-confidence which then translates into other areas within our lives as well! Singing can be an introspective experience where we look a little deeper into ourselves and learn new things. Just remember the rule of thumb, usually the more we do something the more confident we become at doing it. 


Your voice is a powerful tool that can help you connect to your audience. But singing and controlling the breath are not easy tasks for beginners, who often need professional guidance in order to improve their skills. Breathing is an essential part of life. Besides improving your voice, breathing exercises provide more oxygen to your brain and other organs which can increase memory retention and concentration levels.

Is your child ready to start singing lessons?

Singing with other kids in a group can be very rewarding, and if this sounds like something that could benefit them then it may not matter how old they are or what their vocal range is!

Been thinking about signing your little one up for private singing lessons? Here are some tips to help you decide. First, it's important to take into account the age and developmental stage of a child before making any decisions if they are old enough or not because the child will need to focus for at least 30 minutes at a time. Secondly, research shows that kids who play an instrument (including the voice as an instrument) tend to do better at school than those that don’t! This can be due partly from increased self-confidence as well as improved socialisation skills. Take a moment to look at these factors and any others that come to mind. Make your decision accordingly. Singing is positive and joyful way to spend time or make a career out of. Maybe it is time to start right now.

Speak Sing Deliver

If you, or someone you know, are looking to take your first steps in the world of singing, Speak Sing Deliver offer a complete online vocal course. The course is led by professional vocal coach, Dorthe Eggertsen, and is taught in a way that is easy to follow and covers the most important aspects to become a great singer. Whats more is that you can get a 5 day vocal taster course totally free. If you'd like to find out more, get in contact with Speak Sing Deliver today.

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