Legendary Vocal Coach Dorthe Eggertsen
Shares Her Secrets To Unlock The True Potential
of Your Voice.
Learn the first steps to take your vocals from zero to hero in my Free vocal course. You will receive 5 free videos, one from each of the 5 modules below. My full course contains 3 videos in each module.
These lessons will teach you some of the fundamental techniques to help you to get to know your voice better. I will teach you how to use the proper breathing techniques to project your voice more freely and with more volume and control. Whether you are a singer or a speaker, these fundamental lessons will give you the tools to explore and find the real magic in your voice.
In these lessons, I will teach you my own personal warm-up programme that I use to keep my voice healthy and ready to deliver when speaking, teaching, recording and performing. These easy to follow lessons can be used to prepare your voice for all situations giving you the confidence to go out there and deliver.
Click the button below now to get instant access to a set of 5 high quality videos which will teach you all about singing or speaking with confidence.
Often people say something like, "I can't sing, my aunt told me I can't." I have to ask, what does this mean? Does this mean you sing 'wrong' or does it mean you don't sound like Adele?. And, how does your aunt know? You might be dissatisfied with how your voice sounds or are insecure about hitting the notes but I have often experienced how quickly we can get rid of such ideas.
Click the button now to get instant access to a set of 5 high quality videos which will teach you all about how to use your voice in the most effective way.
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